Thursday 14 November 2013

Car Customizing Done Woman Style.Ouch!!!

Now after posting all the possible ways you can customize your vehicle like the nice rims, music and paint job, I decided to step away from the original customizing to something different. Customizing woman style!
Ladies, have you ever sat in the front seat of your man's car and put your foot on the dashboard??? What comes next??? He flips out. He doesn't want you to leave empty packets behind, no eating in the car and sometimes he doesn't even want you to drive his car because he is afraid you will scratch it.

Men love cars and we all know that and every woman knows that a man takes care of his car maybe more that he takes care of himself. But for some reason or the other, when a relationship goes sour, women feel compelled to target the one thing that her man cares so much about if he hurts her emotionally, because she knows it will hurt him more than a kick in the balls.

Yep, you guessed correctly, his car.

Most men would say that 're-customizing a man's car because he cheated on you or was cruel to you in some form is an act of malevolent and spiteful wickedness but for some women it's just seeking revenge and settling the score. Ouch!

I spoke to ten women who customized their man's car and I have compiled the ways in which they did it as well as the best instruments to used. Ouch!

Ways to re customize a man's car:
1. spray paint
2. a sharp object eg knife, iron for puncturing tyres and scrathing rims
3. some big stones
4. oil paint (to re do paint job)
5. garden tool eg. pick axe or shovel for denting bonnet

A the saying goes, " Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned". Believe that!

Disclaimer- This blog in no way encourages or endorses the destruction of any vehicle, perpetrators will be subjected to the full brunt of the law.


  1. bwahahahah these women really know how to get even,

  2. OMG!!!! hahahahahh This is crazy! love it!
