Sunday 27 October 2013

Music a.k.a Hard Pound

I am thinking of adding a sound system in my ride above, hmmmm.

I remember when I was in Secondary school, I wouldn't be caught dead in a Maxi that wasn't overloaded or had loud music. I didn't care if it may have ruptured my ear drums. lol

In all car shows, you must find cars that are present just for a 'sound clash' to out do or should I say drown out each other's music. Thousands of dollars is spent on music just to claim the top spot of champion sound system.
Now depending on how good you  want your sound system to be will determine how good your music will sound, so basically you get what you paid for. In order to compete with the best of the best you must fit your car with the following:

A good sound system should include,
A good stereo with enough power to run all the interior speakers
A good set of front speakers or component set
A good set of rear speakers
A good amplifier
A good sub woofer

These owners went all out to ensure their music is on top.

Checj out this video where A DVD PLAYER was placed IN A PARK LIGHT??? LAWDDDDDD!!!. Some people are just very creative.

For the music lovers out there how much do you think I should spend on a sound system???


  1. i must say, your car looks nice, maybe you should "pimp it out too"

  2. I don't own a car, :( but I LOVE LOUD MUSIC!! you sure do make me feel like buying a car just to do that!

  3. Great Blog...we all love some loud music!!
