Thursday 5 December 2013

Flashy Cars can attract thieves!!! Watch out

 Having a flashy car with nice rims, lambo doors and loud music is all good, it even adds value to your car. But the downside to that is that thieves are on the prowl and the lookout.

I remember there was a time in sweet Trinidad where thieves would be lurking at Trincity mall waiting for those best rides to park and then when the owners come out, their cars were long gone. With rims costing from $5000.00 to $15,000 a set thieves see more than chrome, they only see dollar signs. All the money that you spend to customize your car...Gone.

When you park your vehicle with the flashy rims, crisp paint job and visibly expensive audio, you ar e basically saying to thieves "come take me". One of my colleagues Michael was a victim of car thief, he loved his car, he had at least $15,000 worth of music in it and withing six months, his car was stolen. He believes he was monitored for over a period a time and then when the time was right, the thieves struck.

Changing your rims is one of the most visible things you can do to make a statement on the road and it can also be the worst thing for you. One of the biggest mistakes car owners make is that they done inform the insurance about their newly flashed car so if it is stolen, they are not compensated or covered for the value of their customization.

Check out a car thief in action.

One of the things you must have is an excellent anti thief system, which I will discuss in my next blog.

Be aware of your surroundings while parking and at all times.

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