Thursday 26 September 2013

I love my ride!

Trinidad and Tobago men love a good meal, a good woman and a pimped out car or van. When I say pimped out I am talking about big rims 17"-22", flawless paint jobs, Lamborghini doors, out of this world speakers and neon lights. You can see these cars sparingly on the highways and main roads but if you are really into customized cars then you should find yourself at one of the car shows.
This blog will display local popular vehicles, showcase all the different styles, modification,  colors and designs of local cars and highlight my absolute admiration of what i would call a good looking car. Customize shops exist in every major city and they take simple vehicles and turn them into a completely eye catching piece of artwork.
Believe it or not some guys will spend their last cent to make their vehicle stand out and prepare for months to compete at car shows. 
My goal is to excite your senses, blow your mind and hopefully make you too a lover of customized cars.

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